Tuesday, June 4, 2013

End of a Chapter?

Today was my little ones last day of Preschool.  On to Kindergarten they head.  Sounds like the end of a chapter to me.  They are no longer babies but are now entering childhood... they no longer need constant supervision and are quite capable of doing a lot on their own.  No more all nighters (well most of the time), no more dressing them (well most of the time) no more having to clean up all their toys for them (well most of the time)... They can even tie their own shoes now, take showers by themselves and brush their own teeth, do chores...  Yes, I still prepare their food, but they are quite capable of getting their own snacks out of the cabinet.. they definitely know how to work the remote on the TV and how to find the channels they are allowed to watch (we have parental controls, don't worry!) They get in and out of the car on their own and actually get quite upset if I help them.  Independent, you betcha!

So where does that leave me... a little sad, reflective, a bit scared,, hopeful as I watch them and I know they are doing well... at the same time seeing how as a parent I could have done a little better in some areas.. trying to redeem the time I have left because I know in the blink of an eye they will be all grown up.

Which takes me to my oldest, who turns 14 in a few weeks.. that one really starts my heart to beating.  He is almost a half foot taller than me now, I have to look up to him.  He is a polite young man, fun to talk to, a little bit goofy sometimes, a little older in his soul than most his age and yet still demonstrates at times the maturity level of his little brother and sister.  He challenges me and tries to please me all at the same time.  I love him more than words can say and I know soon I will have to let him go off into the real world, without me there to whack him upside the head and tell him to take a chill pill. 

To say time flies would be an understatement.. it seems like 5 minutes ago I was looking at my sweet little red head, amazed.  Another blink and here was thing 1 and thing 2 taking up my every waking moment, which was pretty much 24/7.  Now here they are soon to be a Freshman in high school and Kindergartners..

I know Papa would be proud of his little Emmylou, Jason and A-Ron.. times like these always make me think of my dad.  I know I am proud of them. 

Yes, end of a chapter - beginning of another! Yes sir, beginning of another!!  If I don't know what to do I can always take Emma's suggestion and giggle it, you know surf the information highway.